Insurance Inspection Software

Simplify Evaluations

Tired of cumbersome evaluations? monitorQA helps you handle every insurance claim smoothly with efficient processes and detailed checks. Keep your payouts prompt and assessments accurate.

  • Timely Payouts : Never miss a beat with assessments and payouts.
  • Thorough Reviews : Deeply understand every insurance claim detail.
Smart Reporting and Easy Audits

Easily connect the dots between payouts and evaluations. With intuitive reports and straightforward audits, identify trends and factors behind higher payouts.

  • Clear Insights : Get a 360-degree view of how payouts link to evaluations.
  • Hassle-Free Audits : Streamline your assessment process with efficient audits.
Impress Your Policyholders

Give your clients the transparency they crave with detailed audit and claim reports. Consistency and clarity go a long way in building trust.

  • Transparent Reports : Provide clients with easy-to-understand reports.
  • Consistent Service : Deliver the same high-quality service every time.
Train Smarter, Stay Compliant

Spot trouble areas and train your team where it matters most. Manage compliance with recurring audits and checklists, all from the location of your choice.

  • Targeted Training : Focus your training efforts on the areas that need it most.
  • Remote Compliance : Keep everything in check with regular audits and checklists.
Reduce Risks and Costs

Documenting all key compliance areas can lower payouts, risks, and compensations. Address issues quickly to keep operations smooth.

  • Document Everything : Keep track of safety, incidents, and compliance issues.
  • Quick Resolutions : Resolve issues promptly with timely follow-ups.

By automating our inspections, we’ve saved tons of time and cut down on claims costs. What used to take us days to pull together for compliance now happens quickly, helping us meet regulations and provide a level of service our clients really notice.

Claude M.

Claims Manager

Free Resources to Get You Started

Use our ready-made checklists or customize them according to your specific requirements.

Or send us your existing QA checklists, and we’ll convert them into our system for free, helping you transition smoothly!